How to send orders to Kitchen Display System
The Kitchen Display System (KDS) allows kitchen orders to display on a computer screen as oppose to physical kitchen printer that prints receipts. Similar to regular kitchen printers, establishments can run multiple screens and have specific products appear at each one.
Download IPT Kitchen Display System
- The POS software install on the POS computer.
- The KDS software install on the Kitchen computer.
- Please DO NOT install the POS software and KDS software on a computer.

A. How to Setup IPT Kitchen Display System
D. How to Send a Message to KDS
E. How to Send a Message from KDS to POS
The computer is assigned a static IP address, the address does not change. Use dynamic IP addresses, which are assigned by the network when they connect and change over time.

A. How to setup IPT Kitchen Display System
Step 1: Install the KDS software on the kitchen computer.
Step 2: On the POS app. Home Screen => Menu => Kitchens => Select Add or Edit a Kitchen.

B. Troubleshoot
1. From POS app, I cannot send the ticket to Kitchen Display Systems. I created an order on this POS, but I didn't receive this ticket on the KDS screen.2. After saved an order, this POS show the warning: Cannot connect to Kitchen Display System.

3. I want to clear all the pending tickets. STOP the warning. This POS show the warning all time: Cannot connect to Kitchen Display System.
4. After saved an order, this POS show the warning: Cannot find Kitchen Display System.

5. I installed the POS with multiple station model. On KDS app, when I press Done it will send this message to an Order POS. I want to send this message to a Cashier POS.
6. I want to repeat this notification on the POS until I saw the message.
7. After clicked Done button on KDS. I saw this warning.

8. About the kitchen printer template.
Home Screen => Menu (5) => Kitchen => Add or Edit
C. Notes
D. How to Send a Message to KDS
Home Screen => press Chat icon on top right.

E. How to Send a Message from KDS to POS