I want to access my POS over the Internet from Laptop. How to connect to a remote SQL Server?

With remote SQL Server that allows you to access your POS over the Internet.

Notes: You have to install with Model 3 - Multiple Stations with Database Server.

Step 1: Get IP Address on Server

Step 2: Get SQL Server Port

Step 3: Port Forwarding - How to Remote Access your SQL Server

Step 4: Get your public IP Address

Step 5: Use Dynamic DNS

Step 6: On Laptop, Setup Multiple Database Server

Step 1: Get IP Address on Server


How to find your IP address in Windows 10

Notes: This server is assigned a static IP address, the address does not change. Use dynamic IP addresses, which are assigned by the network when they connect and change over time.

Set up a Static IP Address

Step 2: Get SQL Server Port

Example: 50640 or 49302

Step 3: Port Forwarding - How to Remote Access your SQL Server

- About SQL Server Port Forwarding: the same as IP Camera Port Forwarding. You type your SQL Server IP Address and SQL Server Port.
- Search on YouTube with keywords: Port Forwarding for [Your Modem Name - Cisco, Linksys, TP-Link...].

What is Port Forwarding?

IP Camera Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding Explained

Step 4: Get your public IP Address

Notes: This IP address is dynamic IP address. It changed over time.

Public IP Address

Step 5: Use Dynamic DNS

Every 15 minutes, I want to update this public IP Address to my domain. Please Setup Dynamic DNS on your modem or Install Dynamic DNS Update Clients on your server.
You can use Dyn or No-IP Service.

Dynamic DNS Update Clients

Dyn Updater For Windows

Create a Free Dynamic DNS Account with No-IP

Dynamic DNS Update Client (DUC) for Windows

Step 6: On Laptop, Setup Multiple Database Server

You go to the following folder:
For Windows 64 bit, C:\Program Files (x86)\IPT\IPT Point Of Sale 2.0\Tools
For Windows 32 bit, C:\Program Files\IPT\IPT Point Of Sale 2.0\Tools
Run file IPTPOS.MultiDatabaseServer.exe

Server Name:
[Public IP Address]\IPTPOS, [SQLServer Port]
[Domain Name]\IPTPOS, [SQLServer Port]

Example:\IPTPOS, 50640
myres.dyndns.org\IPTPOS, 50640
mystore.dyndns.org\IPTPOS, 49302

Notes: Right Click file IPTPOS.MultiDatabaseServer.exe and Select Send to => Desktop (create shortcut). Then you can quickly run this file from Desktop screen.