/* Easy to become a programmer. On IPT Call Center System program. Using a code line: message.Substring(startIndex, length).Trim(); Step 1: Click Smartphone tab. And set OFF. - OFF: Allow receive message from Smartphone. (UDP Port: 5820). - Why? I will use this port to test. (Error duplicate port). Step 2: Click Programming tab. And set ON. - ON: Allow receive message from UDP Connection. - Then click C# UDP Code button. Step 3: Programming - Enter UDP Port 5820 - Copy the below code, paste. And then test it. Step 4: Test - On the phone. Open IPT Call app. Click More. Click Test. - Click Incomming Call. The phone will send a datagram package to Wifi network. - IPT Call Center System will catch and show this data on the screen. - Done. Done. Done. Step 5: I want to reset the system as Default. - IPT Call Center System. Click Settings. Click Reset Data. Done. =================================================================== The sample datagram package from your phone ^^000001345678$01 I S 0000 G A1 12/28 02:02 AM 2024896789 IPT Call =================================================================== */ /******************************************** THE SAMPLE CODE IS HERE ********************************************/ using System; public class ExtractMessage { static string message = "{$receivedMessage}"; static public string GetNumber() { return message.Substring(53, 15).Trim(); } static public string GetLine() { // Test. Test. Test. // I want to catch and show the datagram package on screen to see the data format. // Then I will extract the phone number and status. return message; // 01 } static public string GetType() { return message.Substring(24, 2).Trim(); } static public string GetIndicator() { return message.Substring(26, 2).Trim(); } }